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Weekly Ag Education Content
*Registration closed until Fall 2025*

With everything you have to balance, staying updated on agriculture news and events can be a struggle. At Lilac Lane Media, we offer Weekly Ag Education direct to your mailbox so that you can stay updated with ease. You get things like:
A current event topic daily - state, regional or national news
Top Headline Topics for: Agronomy, Technology & Equipment, Livestock Production, Influencers in the Industry and Finance
Daily topic will include 2-3 commonly asked questions and a bibliography with sources and links
Click the image below to see an example of the content!
Sign up below for the fall or spring semester of Ag Education!
(money savings for full year sign-up)
You can conveniently use any of the buttons below to sign up online.
Or, if you prefer, scroll down and see instructions for sending us a check!
Weekly Ag Education
Fall Semester
125$ÂSubscribe for a semesterValid for 18 weeks- 18 Weeks of Ag Education
Spring Semester
125$ÂSpring Semester 18 weeksValid for 18 weeks- 18 Week Program
Entire School Year
225$Every yearSubscribe for the yearÂ- Fall and Spring
​Prefer to send a check?
Mail it to the following address:
Lilac Lane Media
320 3rd Ave W
Hunter, ND 58048
Please include your email address so we can confirm it.

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